This is a shocking documentary drama in which a number of bizarre and merciless methods of torture carried out under the law of the Tokugawa Shogunate, are brought home most realistically. The story canters on antagonism between a magistrate who finds sadistic pleasures in using all kinds of ruthless tortoure and a police officer who despises such means, and involves a tragic love between the police officer and a pretty farm girl.
Produzent Tatsuo Honda Drehbuch Seiko Shimura & Ichiro Otsu Regie Yuuji Makiguchi Darsteller Yusuke Kazato, Rena Uchimura, Akira Shioji, Masataka Iwao, Ryuichi Nagashima, Yusuke Tsukasa Laufzeit ca.80 min. (ungekürzte Fassung) Sprache Japanisch (Untertitel in deutsch + englisch) Link IMDB: Tokugawa onna keibatsu-emaki: Ushi-zaki no kei
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